Christian novels that take readers around the world back in time to enjoy many adventures with characters they come to love.
Newest Release! Book 3 of the Revivalist Trilogy
John David’s Calling, book 1, and Hannah Claire’s Wilderness, book 2
Behold, I say unto you. Lift up your eyes and look on the fields for they are white already to harvest.
Evangelist, teacher, pastor, and prophet, David operates in all the gifts like his father and grandfather before him, but he wants more than anything to fulfill the vision the Lord gave him so many years ago. He has seen God heal the sick and raise the dead, but the vision tarries still. Doors close, and the windows of Heaven open. He and Hannah embark on the grandest adventure of their life. With so much to do before the wheels go into motion, they need help. As David knew he would, Father sends the men and women to hold up his arms and help him ready all things for the last great revival. Come along, and experience the goodness of God.
A Little About Caryl McAdoo

This award-winning Christian author prays her story gives God glory, and of her seventy-plus best-selling novels, readers around the world agree they do. Her historical Christian romance family sagas are the favorites, but folks also enjoy their contemporary cousins, Caryl’s Biblical fiction, her new historical mystery series, and those tales for young adults and mid-grade booklovers.
Latest Inspiration from the Blog

My First Historical Romance
Read my inspirations for writing my very first historical Christian romance VOW UNBROKEN for my Texas Romance Family Saga.

End of 2022 ~ McAdoos’ News! Glory!
Lillian Jane came to Grami’s for her first-ever sleepover. The plan was to stay two nights but she asked her daddy (Russell) for “one more sleep” since we were having such a grand time! She wrote a story while she was here THE HAPPY RAINBOW and it launched on Amazon in November! A precious children’s picture book for my six-year-old author! I illustrated it for her. To God be the glory!

Busy Busy Busy & Excuses Excuses!
I loved creating my own novels through Amazon! They made it all so easy! And it was practically free!